The bonus Program Rewards Your Shopping with Cool Bonusesmit Yoints Bonus Points Collect and ge in many of your favorite shops and cafés
The Bonus Program Rewards Your Shopping with Cool Bonuses
Collect in many of your favorite shops and cafés with Yoints bonus points and redeem it against cool bonuses. The premiums range from vouchers for e.g. Saturn, Media Markt or Douglas, to great benefits that change weekly, to the support of charitable projects. Now load and collect immediately!
That's how it works
+ Download and register the app for free
+ When shopping, you already get valuable points for entering shops ( Yoints )
+ Scan barcodes of selected products and collect even more Yoints
+ Bought something? Then upload your receipt. A Yoints point will be credited to you for every euro
+ Then redeem the collected points directly in the app against great bonuses or voucher cards or donate for social projects
New features
+ Collect Yoints now without an internet connection
+ Find all the shops near you via the interactive card
More reasons for Yoints
+ Collect points without buying!
+ Super quickly reach bonuses - nowhere is it that quickly!
+ Varied and always up -to -date bonuses with weekly features
+ Discover cool new shops and products - because they are continuously updated!
App authorizations
We want the functions of our app to be as transparent as possible for you. Therefore, we will explain in the following to you for which the Yoints app needs certain authorizations.
Bluetooth: Your Bluetooth must be switched on so that the beacons in the partner shops can recognize independently if you enter the shop. Then the Yoints points for the walk -in will automatically be credited to you.
Location services: The location services help us to determine your location so that the shops near you can be displayed.
Camera access: The Yoints app needs access to your camera so that you can scan products and upload cash bons.
Internet access: On the Internet, information about your collected points, walk-ins, check-ins, product scans, cash bonuploads and premium redemptions, as well as changes to the personal data, are transmitted to us. You will also be used to load information about the shops.
Your personal data
We limit ourselves to verify you based on your email address. Your address will only be required for the award shipment. Checking your date of birth ensures compliance with the minimum age. Under no circumstances will we pass on your personal data to third parties for advertising or marketing purposes.
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